Abstract of Talks

Geometric Aspects of Dynamical Systems (21-25 July 2003)

All talks in GLT1 except where stated otherwise

Monday 21 July

9:30-10:20 Misiurewicz: Area preserving attractors
Abstract: We consider a family of locally area preserving branched coverings of the plane. In particular, if a branching point is periodic, the structure of the map in the neighbourhood of its orbit can be investigated using the theory of rational maps.

10:50-11:40 Gutierrez: Closing lemma problems for flows on surfaces I (Mini Course)

11:50-12:40 Bialy: Geometric and variational properties of orbits of twist maps
Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to explain that the phenomenon of Riemannian geometry known as Hopf rigidity can be extanded to other variational problems. In this talk I will explain how this can be done for the so called Frenkel -Kontorova model of stat. physics. This talk is based on our joint work with MacKay.

14:00-14:50 Gutierrez: Closing lemma problems for flows on surfaces (Mini Course II)

15:30-16:00 Vlasensko: Strange attractors in complex dynamics
Abstract: An analog of real variable hyperbolic attractors for irreversible holomorhic maps in complex dimension 2 is constructed. It is shown that in spite of irreversibility there is an analog of Williams' expanding attractor theory.

15.30-16.00 Kahng: The singularity structure of symmetric piecewise toral isometries with rational rotation

16:15-16:45 Bis: Dynamics of distributions
Abstract: We define an entropy of a distribution, calculate the entropy obtained from contact structures and from foliations.

16.15-16.45 Choe: Simulations of the first return time for the Henon mapping
Abstract: Using very many significant digits in floating point calculations we simulate the recurrence phenomena in dynamical systems rigorously without any technical details.

17:00-17:30 Zajtz:Flows on convenient manifolds
Abstract: In terms of the Frolicher-Kriegl-Michor infinite dimensional analysis we develop the calculus of flows on convenient manifolds with smooth structure. Applications to the problem of including diffeomorphisms into a flow are given.

17:00-17:30 Dufraine: Homotopy classes of non-singular Morse-Smale flows on Seifert manifolds
Abstract: We first give a criterion to decide whether two given non-singular vector fields on a arbitrary 3-manifold are homotopic or not. Using this criterion, we construct non-singular Morse-Smale flows on Seifert manifolds to obtain the following result (which is an improvement of a result by K. Yano): For M a Seifert manifold, there exist a integer n(M) such that every non-singular vector field is homotopic to a non-singular Morse-Smale flow with at most n(M) periodic orbits.

17.45-18.15 Koltsova: On Existence of Homoclinic Orbits To Invariant Diophantine Tori And Some Problem of Symplectic Geometry
Abstract: Consider a $n$ d.o.f. smooth nearly-integrable Hamiltonian vector field with an equilibrium of an elliptic-hyperbolic type (i.e., its linearization operator has $2k$ ($k 17.45-18.15 Skorulski: Metric properties of some family of transcendental meromorphic functions
Abstract: We deal with the maps $$f(z)=\frac{a\exp(z^p)+b\exp(z^{-p})}{c\exp(z^p)+d\exp(z^{-p})}$$ that have an asymptotic value eventually mapped onto infinity. We show some metric properties of the Julia set e.g. estimate the Hausdorff dimension of recurrent points and non recurrent as well, provide a sufficient condition for the Julia set to have positive Lebesgue measure and a condition for the measure to be zero. We also construct a conformal measure.

Tuesday 22 July

9:30-10:20 Urbanski: Fractal properties and ergodic theory of elliptic functions
Abstract: Let $q$ be the maximal order of all poles of an elliptic function $f$. We will discuss the following results: \begin{enumerate} \item $HD(J(f))>{2q\over q+1}$. \item Hausdorff dimension of points escaping to infinity is $\le {2q\over q+1}$.\end{enumerate} We now consider the function $f$ as mapping the torus $Tf^{-1}(\infty)$ onto $T$. Given a potential $\phi$, H\"older continuous far from poles and of the form $u(z)+\gamma\log|z-b|$, $\gamma>2$, $u$ - H\"older continuous, near a pole $b$, we define a pointwise pressure $P(\phi)$ and the corresponding transfer operator $L$. Assuming that $P(\phi)>\sup(\phi)$ we will discuss the following results: \begin{itemize} \item $P(\phi)=\log\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is a positive eigenvalue of $L$. \item There exists a unique real parameter $c$ and a unique probability measure $m$ on $J(f)$ such that ${dm\circ f\over dm}=\exp(c-\phi)$. This constant $c$ is equal to $P(\phi)$. \item There is a unique $f$-invariant probability measure $\mu$ absolutely continuous with respect to $m$. The dynamical system $(f,\mu)$ is metrically exact, in particular mixing of all orders. \item The transfer operator $L$ acting on $C(T)$ is almost periodic. \end{itemize}

10:50-11:40 Shen: Density of Axiom A for real polynomials with real critical points (Mini Course)

11:50-12:40 Smania: Renormalization theory (Mini Course)

14:00-14:50 Shen: Density of Axiom A for real polynomials with real critical points (Mini Course II)

15:30-16:00 Comerford:A survey of results in random iteration of rational maps
Abstract: We discuss what is known in a new branch of complex dynamics known as random iteration. This is a variant of the standard situation in rational iteration where instead of considering the iterates of a fixed rational function or polynomial, one allows the functions one considers to vary at each step of the iterative process. Using the existing theory as a guideline, one then seeks to examine which of the classical results from complex dynamics carry over as generalzations to the new setting and find counterexamples for those which do not. What one generally finds is that with no additional restrictions on the sequences of functions one considers, the deeper classical results such as Sullivan's non-wandering theorem tend not to carry over. However, with additionl restrictions on the dynamics such as hyerbolicity or semi- hyperbolicity, many of the classical results can be generalized although new techniques are required to prove them.

16:15-16:45 Vargas: Decay of Geometry and Invariant Measures for Cubic Polynomials

Abstract: We introduce the class of Fibonacci cubic real polynomials whose critical points are strongly recurrent. These polynomials exhibit decay of geometry as we have proved in a previous work. Here we use the decay of geometry to prove the existence of an absolutely continuous invariant measure.

17:00-17:30 Rempe: On a Question of Herman, Baker and Rippon Concerning Siegel Disks

Abstract: Herman, Baker and Rippon posed the question whether any unbounded Siegel disk of an exponential map $z\mapsto \lambda(\exp(z)-1)$ must contain the singular value $-\lambda$ on its boundary. We give a positive answer to this question.

17.45-18.15 Pinto: TBA

21.00-???? Problem session (room 26 of common room; chaired by Kolyada and Misiurewicz)

Wednesday 23 July

9:30-10:20 Liverani: Strong statistical properties of Anosov maps and flows - a functional analytic approach (Mini Course I)

10:50-11:40 Buzzi:Piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms with positive entropy

Abstract: We analyze piecewise affine surface homeomorphisms with positive topological entropy w.r.t. entropy, measures of maximum entropy and periodic points. The key ingredient is a semi-uniform estimate on local invariant manifolds, ie, an estimate which holds for a set of positive measure w.r.t. any measure with large entropy. From this, we are able to build a Markov structure and deduce our results. This result extends previous works on the theme "hyperbolicity from complexity" for non-uniformly expanding maps and (we hope) paves the way for the analysis of general surface diffeomorphisms.

11:50-12:40 Avila: Reducible and non-uniformly hyperbolic quasiperiodic Schrodinger cocycles (joint with Raphael Krikorian)
Abstract: The study of the spectral properties of the Schrodinger equation with quasiperiodic potential in dimension one is intimately related to a dynamical problem: the understanding of a a certain family of cocycles (parametrized by the energy) with values in SL(2,R) over a rotation of the circle. Using the wide range of techniques of the field, including complexification, renormalization, and local theory (KAM), we prove the following theorem (which can be seen as the analogue of Lyubich's ``regular or stochastic'' dychotomy for the quadratic family): if the potential is sufficiently smooth and if the frequency of the rotation satisfies an arithmetic condition of full measure then for almost every value of the energy the cocycle is either reducible (that is, conjugate to a constant) or non-uniformly hyperbolic. This result is connected to a rigidity statement whose proof involves getting ``a priori bounds'' for renormalization under convenient hypothesis. Among the spectral consequences of this result is a proof of a conjecture of Aubry and Andre on the measure of the spectrum of the Almost Mathieu operator.

14:00-14:50 Hasselblatt: Computing dimensions of hyperbolic sets from those of stable and unstable slices (joint with Schmeling)
Abstract: As a topological counterpart to the Eckmann--Ruelle conjecture we conjecture that the fractal dimension of a hyperbolic Cantor set in a dynamical system is the sum of the fractal dimensions of "typical" stable and unstable slices. This talk presents significant progress towards establishing this conjecture.

15:30-16:00 Vasquez: Gibbs cu-states and SRB measures
Abstract: Alves, Bonatti and Viana proved the existence of SRB measures for diffeomorphisms partially hyperbolic with mostly expanding center-unstable direction. The main tool used there is the existence of Gibbs cu-states. In this work we prove many properties of such states and with respect to its relationship with the SRB measures. More precisely we describe their support and characterize the associated densities. Also we show that the methods used by Alves Bonatti and Viana give all Gibbs cu-states. Moreover, we prove that the Gibbs cu-states varies continuously with the diffeomorphism. As consequence we conclude the statistical stability in many open classes of diffeomorphisms. Also, we prove that every SRB measure is a Gibbs cu-state.

16:15-16:45 Oliveira: Equilibrium states for nonuniformly dynamical systems

17.00-17.30 Sands: Negative Schwarzian derivative everywhere
Abstract: Any $C^3$ unimodal map with a non-flat critical point and all periodic orbits strictly repelling can be conjugated via a real-analytic coordinate change to a map with negative Schwarzian derivative everywhere.

17.45-18.15 J\"ager: Quasiperiodically forced interval maps with negative Schwarzian derivative
Abstract: In the study of quasiperiodically forced systems invariant graphs have a special significance: If the fibre maps are all monotone inverval maps they occur generically as boundary lines of compact invariant sets, every invariant ergodic measure is associated to some invariant graph and the dynamical behaviour of typical orbits is determined by the Lyapunov exponents of the adjacent invariant graphs. The presented work deals with systems of quasiperiodically forced interval maps with negative Schwarzian derivative. The main result is a classification with respect to the number of invariant graphs and their stability (Lyapunov exponents). It turns out, that the possibilities for the invariant graphs are exactly analogous to those for the fixed points of the unperturbed fibre maps.

Thursday 24 July

9:30-10:20 Smania: Renormalization Theorey (Mini Course II)

10:50-11:40 Vaienti: Invariant measures for multidimensional non-uniformly expanding maps

11:50-12:40 Schmeling: Lyapunov exponents applied
Abstract: We present some specific application of Lyapunov exponents in harmonic analysis, number theory and probability.

14:00-14:50 Kolyada: Minimal maps and minimal spaces
Abstract: Minimal maps are one of the main objects in topological dynamics. One basic problem is whether a given space admits a minimal map or a minimal homeomorphism. In this talk we consider this problem as well as some topological properties of minimals maps.

15.30-16:00 Collins: Hyperbolisation Techniques
Abstract: A hyperbolisation technique is a method for obtaining a uniformly hyperbolic approximation to a non-hyperbolic system. Such an approximation should give a lower bound for the dynamics in the sense that every orbit of the hyperbolic approximation is shadowed by an orbit of the original system. Classical examples are Markov interval maps and pseudo-Anosov surface diffeomorphisms, both of which can be computed from the periodic orbits of the system. In this talk I will discuss the basic topological techniques involved, the trellis theory for surface diffeomorphisms with homolicinic orbits, and directions for further research.

15.30-16:00 Hu: Equilibriums of some non-H\"older potentials
Abstract: Consider a one-sided subshift of finite type with some potential function which satisfies the H\"older conditions everywhere except at a fixed point (perhaps at its preimages as well). The equilibriums of such potential exist, and may not be unique in general. However, it allows a unique equilibrium which is absolutely continuous with respect to the conformal measure. The measure is not a Gibbs state, though Gibbs condition holds for most of cylinders. The values of potential near the fixed point determines whether the equilibrium is finite or infinite, and determines the rate of mixing of such system.

16.15-16:45 Baranski: Hausdorff dimension of the limit sets of some geometric constructions
Abstract: We determine the Hausdorff and box dimension of the limit set of some planar non-isotropic geometric constructions with overlaps. This is a generalization of the Bedford-McMullen self-affine gaskets. We also provide multifractal analysis of the Bernoulli measures on the limit set.

16.15-16:45 Hric: Minimal sets: topological characterization and nonhomogeneity
I will shortly survey known and then present recent results on topological characterization of minimal sets in one dimension - on graphs and dendrites. In connection with this, I will discuss nonhomogeneity of minimal sets and present an example of a "strongly" nonhomogeneous minimal set on a dendrite. This is a joint work with F. Balibrea, T. Downarowicz and L. Snoha.

Friday 25 July

9:30-10:20 Velani: Measures on Cantor sets and a problem of W.M. Schmidt

10:50-11:40 Navas: Groups of diffeomorphisms of the circle

11:50-12:40 Paternain: Minimal entropy and geometric structures of compact complex surfaces

14:00-14:50 Sharkovski: Ideal turbulence
Abstract: Dynamical systems generated by some boundary value problems are considered.

15:30-16:20 Liverani: Strong statistical properties of Anosov maps and flows - a functional analytic approach (Mini Course II)