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Andrei Tyurin

A memorial celebration

Wednesday 12th July 2006

Andrei Tyurin was a regular visitor to Warwick between 1990 and his untimely death in 2002, and was a key participant in Warwick and UK mathematical activities. For many of us, it is still hard to believe that he is no longer with us. This meeting will celebrate his career and lasting influence.

Provisional Programme

9:00 - 10.00 Registration and coffee
10:00 - 11:00 Nick Shepherd-Barron (DPMMS, Cambridge)
Some moduli spaces in algebraic geometry
11:30 - 12:30 Fedya Bogomolov (Courant Institute)
On algebraic hyperbolicity of surfaces (provisional title)
Lunch in the Common Room
2:00 - 3:00 Simon Donaldson (Imperial College)
The scalar curvature of toric surfaces
Tea in the Common Room
4:00 - 5:00 Yuri Manin (Max Planck Inst., Bonn and Northwestern Univ. Evanston)
Quantum tori with real multiplication: algebraic models.
Wine party in the Common Room

Anyone interested is welcome: please e-mail so that we can estimate the numbers involved. UK participants needing help with small-scale travel expenses should also let us know (no promises).

Yuri Manin (Max Planck Inst., Bonn and Northwestern Univ. Evanston)
Quantum tori with real multiplication: algebraic models.

Elliptic curves with complex multiplication are efficiently used to understand class field theory of complex quadratic fields. In my paper in Abel's memorial volume, I suggested to study two dimensional quantum tori with real multiplication as a possible source of arithmetic information about real quadratic fields. In this talk, I will outline this project and describe some recent progress, notably Polishchuk's algebraic models of such tori, and Vlasenko's construction relating them to quantum theta functions.

Nick Shepherd-Barron (DPMMS, Cambridge)
Some moduli spaces in algebraic geometry

Moduli spaces often fail to be compact, which reflects the degeneration of the objects that they parametrize. To prove theorems about a given moduli space it is helpful to construct compactifications in a way that can be controlled. This talk will focus on abelian varieties, whose moduli spaces are sometimes very concrete.

Current Events

Mathematics Research Centre
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

+44 (0)24 7652 4403
+44 (0)24 7652 3548

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