Abstracts of Talks

Mathematics Research Centre - University of Warwick

Frank Duzaar: $p$-Harmonic Approximation
Abstract: The main part of the talk will be concerned with the so called $p$-harmonic approximation lemma, $p>1$. The lemma states that a given map $u\in W^{1,p}(B,\mathbb{R}^N)$ ($B$ the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $N\ge1$) with bounded $p$-energy $\int_B |Du|^p\, dx\le 1$ can be approximated in the $L^p$-norm by some $p$-harmonic function, i.e.\ an exact solution $h\colon B\to\mathbb{R}^N$ of the $p$-Laplacian system $$ \sum_{\alpha=1}^n D_\alpha\left( |Du|^{p-2}D_\alpha u\right) =0 \quad\mbox{on $B$,} $$ provided $u$ is approximatively $p$-harmonic in a certain sense. For $p=2$ the lemma reduces to the well-known blow-up lemma. At the end of the talk we will discuss applications of the $p$-harmonic approximation lemma to the regularity problem for $p$-harmonic maps and for minimizers of degenerate quasi-convex variational integrals with $p$-growth. All presented results are joint work with G. R. Mingione from Parma.
Mariano Giaquinta: About limits of sequences of maps into Riemannian manifolds with equibounded energies.
Abstract: The aim of the talk is to report on recent and less recent results concerning the characterization of limit points of smooth maps with values into a manifolds in the contest of geometric measure theory and, in particular, in the contest of Cartesian currents. Specially, we shall discuss the case of Dirichlet energy.
Qing Han: Harmonic functions and several complex variables
Abstract: Traditionally, an important tool to study harmonic functions in $R^2$ is to identify $R^2$ as $C$ and identify harmonic functions as real parts of analyic functions. In this talk, I will present another method. I will consider $R^2$ as a part of $C^2$ and harmonic functions as the restriction on $R^2$ of holomorphic functions in $C^2$. By this method, we study singular sets of harmonic functions. Here singular sets are the critical zero sets. They are the singular part of zero sets of harmonic functions. For harmonic functions in $R^2$, the singular set is isolated. In fact, the complex singular set is also isolated for the holomorphic functions in $C^2$ extended from the harmonic functions. We are interested in the number of singular points both in $R^2$ and $C^2$. We shall show that both quantities can be estimated in terms of frequency of harmonic functions.
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen: The component problem in mapping spaces
Absract: The components in a space of continuous maps in general display a surprisingly rich variety of different topological types, reflecting the existence of an interesting basic Morse theory in such infinite dimensional manifolds. The division into homotopy types of the components in a fixed mapping space was formally introduced as {\em the component problem} in mapping spaces in the beginning of the 1970s. In this lecture we shall discuss the component problem and some of the results obtained. In rare cases, the full homotopy type of a component in a mapping space can be determined explicitely in terms of well understood spaces. As an example, the homotopy type of the identity component in the space of maps on the 2-sphere has been fully determined, whereas the case of the homotopy type of the component of constant maps is still an open problem.
Tadeusz Iwaniec: Weakly differentiable mappings between manifolds
Abstract: We study Sobolev classes of weakly differentiable mappings between compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary. The novelty of our results is that we do not impose any topological conditions on the manifolds. The main topics to be discussed are: a) Approximation by smooth mappings, b) Integrability of the Jacobian determinant. We characterize (essentially all) Sobolev type classes in which smooth mappings are dense. These mappings turn out to be continuous when restricted to certain tiny sets. These sets give rise to the so-called web like structure associated with the given mapping. The integrability properties of the Jacobian determinants in a manifold setting are really different than one might a priori expect based on the well known results in the Euclidean space. To our surprise, the case when the target manifold admits only trivial l-cohomology groups, with 0 < l < n (like n-sphere), is more difficult than the nontrivial case in which the target manifold has at least one non-zero l-cohomology, 0 < l < n. The necessity of the nontrivial cohomology in the target manifold is a new phenomenon in the regularity theory of the Jacobians.
Bernd Kirchheim: Multi-well problems and shape memory materials
Abstract: We discuss the differential inclusions describing the zero energy state for certain shape memory alloys and discuss attempts and ideas to construct solutions for this inclusion. An aim is to present recent progress in the question which global behaviour in 3 dimensions allows almost energy free microstructures and the construction of particular simple solutions for a 2 dimensional model problem.
Jan Kristensen: Uniform and mean oscillation estimates for minimizers of multi-well energies
Abstract: For compact sets $K \subset {\bf R}^{2 \times 2}$ of two by two matrices we consider the corresponding multi-well energies $$ I[u] = \int_{\Omega} \! \mbox{dist}^{2}^ (\nabla u(x),K) \, dx, $$ defined for Sobolev maps $u \colon \Omega \subset {\bf R}^{2} \to {\bf R}^{2}$. The topic of this talk is local $L^{\infty}$ and $BMO$ estimates for the derivatives $\nabla \bar{u}$ of minimizers $\bar{u}$ of $I[u]$ and its relaxation $\bar{I}[u]$. The local $BMO$ estimate holds in general and is a consequence of standard estimates for the Laplacian. The question of whether or not the local $L^{\infty}$ estimate holds is more subtle. In general it does not, and this is connected to the well-known phenomenon that certain singular integrals do not map $L^{\infty}$ into itself. Parts of the talk are based on joint work with Georg Dolzmann (Maryland, USA) and Kewei Zhang (Sussex, UK).
Sergei Kuksin: Perturbed harmonic map equations and elliptic PDEs on manifolds
Abstract: I shall discuss elements of a theory for elliptic equations for maps between manifolds. The theory applies to the harmonic maps equations for maps to negatively-curved manifolds, and allows to count algebraical number of solutions for these and similar equations.
Ernst Kuwert: Removability of point singularities of Willmore surfaces
Abstract: This is a report on joint work with Reiner Schatzle (Bonn). Willmore surfaces with isolated singularities and square integrable curvature come up in blowup constructions for sequences of Willmore surfaces and for the corresponding gradient flow, the Willmore flow. We show that unit density, isolated singularities in codimension one are removable under some extra condition. As an application we obtain the following optimal result: the Willmore flow of any sphere with energy not exceeding $8\pi$ converges smoothly to a round sphere. We also deduce a compactness result for Willmore tori with energy below $8 \pi$.
Yanyan Li: On some conformally invariant fully nonlinear equations: Liouville, Yamabe and Harnack
Abstract: I present some recent work on some conformally invariant fully nonlinear equations. This includes works on Liouville type theorems, a fully nonlinear version of the Yamabe problem on locally conformally flat manifolds and some Harnack type inequalities.
Jan Maly: Fine properties of Sobolev functions related to the co-area formula
Abstract: A co-area formula for Sobolev transformation of variables has been recently obtained (a joint work with D. Swanson and W. P. Ziemer).This, and related Eilenberg-type inequality, rely on "capacitary"estimates of $m$-codimensional Hausdorff content of level sets. The sharp assumption is that the gradient of the transformation belongs to the Lorentz space $L_{m,1}$. Then we also obtain that the set of non-Lebesgue points has $m$-codimensional Hausdorff measure zero. The key estimates can be performed in the framework of metric measure spaces.
Paul Rabinowitz: On some results of Moser and of Bangert
Abstract: Moser and then Bangert took some steps towards PDE analogues of the work of Aubry and Mather on monotone twist maps. We will describe recent results with Stredulinsky in the same direction that were motivated by phase transition problems.
Tristan Riviere: The singular set of almost complex cycles
Jeyabal Sivaloganathan: Singular weak solutions and modelling fracture in nonlinear elasticity
Abstract: In this talk we study existence and properties of singular weak solutions to the equations of nonlinear elasticity. Using these, we propose a variational model for the initiation of a fracture/crack in an elastic material. This is joint work with S.J. Spector (S. Illinois,USA).
Michael Struwe: Convergence of the Yamabe flow for `large' energies
Charles Stuart: Global bifurcation using the degree for Fredholm maps
Abstract: The topological degree for proper C1- Fredholm maps of index zero provides a good tool for establishing global bifurcation of solutions decaying to zero at infinity of quasilinear elliptic equations on RN. I shall summarise my recent work with Patrick Rabier in this direction.
Hans Triebel: The fractal Laplacian; multifractal quantities
Abstract: Let $\mu$ be a finite Radon measure in the plane $\R^2$ such that its support $\Gamma$ is compact and has Lebesgue measure zero. Let $\mu_j = \sup_{m \in \Z^2} \mu (Q_{jm}), j \in \N_0$ where $Q_{jm}$ is the canonical tiling of $\R^2$by squares with the side length $2^{-j}$. Let $\Omega$ be a bounded $C^{\infty}$ domain in $\R^2$ with $\Gamma \subset \Omega$, and let $-\Delta$ be the Dirichlet Laplacian with respect to $\Omega$. If $\{ \mu_j \} \in l_{\frac{1}{2}}$, then the operator $B=(-\Delta)^{-1} \circ \mu$ is compact, self-adjoint, non-negative in $H^1_0 (\Omega)$. The well-known classical Courant property (Courant 1924) has the following fractal counterpart: The largest eigenvalue is simple, the related eigenfunction $u$ (Courant function) is continuous in $\bar{\Omega}$, positive in $\Omega$ (up to a constant), harmonic in $\Omega \backslash \Gamma$, and reflects faithfully global and local multifractal quantities of $\mu$ in terms of the Besov spaces $B^{\sigma}_p (\Omega)=B^{\sigma}_{pp} (\Omega)$. For example, the Courant characteristic of $\mu$, $\omega_{\mu}(t) = \sup \{ \omega : u \in B^{\omega}_p (\Omega) \}$ are related to multifractal quantities by $\omega_{\mu}(t) = 2 t - t \limsup_{j \to \infty} \frac{1}{j} \log \left( \Sigma_{m \in \Z^2} \mu(Q_{jm})^{\frac{1}{t}} \right)$, if $0 < t < 1$ (log taken to base $2$). But these distinguished eigenfunctions $u$ have a much deeper sophisticated knowledge about $\mu$ (waiting to be asked properly: a fractal oracle).