Semi-Classical and Quantum Multibody Problems


24 - 27 March 2002



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
9.15 - 10.00 Rost Jaffe Taylor
10.00 - 11.00 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11.00 - 11.45 Delos (1) Iwai Pavlichenkov MacKay
11.45 - 12.30 Dando Robbins Kozin Uzer
12.30 - 1.45 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1.45 - 2.30 Mitchell Vu Ngoc Georgeot
2.30 - 3.15 Brack Waalkens Creagh
3.15 - 4.00 Tea Tea Tea Tea
4.00 - 4.45 Main Zhilinskii Leboeuf
4.45 - 5.30 Littlejohn Delos (2)
5.30 onwards Wine & Cheese


Matthias Brack (Regensburg)
SU(2) Symmetry Breaking in Some Hamiltonian Systems
Stephen Creagh (Nottingham)
Dynamics in Wavefunction Statistics and Tunnelling
Paul Dando (UCL)
Closed Orbit Theory for Molecules in Fields
John Delos (William and Mary)
(1) Semiclassical Physics from Aristotle to Schroedinger
John Delos (William and Mary)
(2) Classical Orbits and Quantum Spectra of Atoms in Fields
Bertrand Georgeot (Toulouse)
Quantum Computing: Many-Body Effects and Simulation of Chaos
Toshihiro Iwai (Kyoto)
Boundary Conditions at Singular Configurations of Many Bodies
Charles Jaffe (West Virginia)
Transition States: Molecular, Atomic and Celestial
Patricio Leboeuf (Orsay)
Thermodynamics of Small Fermi Systems: Quantum Fluctuations
Igor Kozin (Aberdeen)
Relative Equilibria and Periodic Orbits in Molecules
Robert Littlejohn (Berkeley)
Gauge Theory of Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules
Robert Mackay (Warwick)
Persistence of Spectral Projections for Large Networks of Quantum Units, and Quantum Discrete Breathers
Jorg Main (Stuttgart)
Use of Harmonic Inversion Techniques in Semiclassical Quantization
Kevin Mitchell (William and Mary)
Chaotic Ionization of Hydrogen in Parallel Fields
San Vu Ngoc (Grenoble)
Redistribution of Eigenvalues in Polyads via Quantum Monodromy
Igor Pavlichenkov (Moscow)
Quantum Phase Transitions in Rotational Bands
Jonathan Robbins (Bristol)
Spin-Statistics and Quantum Mechanics
Jan-Michael Rost (Dresden)
Dimensional Effects in Few-Electron Quantum Dots
Howard Taylor (USC, Los Angeles)
A Simple Scheme for Extracting Internal Motions from Spectroscopic Hamiltonians
Turgay Uzer (Georgia Tech)
Phase Space Transition States
Holger Waalkens (Bremen)
Quantum Monodromy in the Two Centers Problem
Boris Zhilinskii (Dunkerque)
Hamiltonian Monodromy as a Lattice Defect


Matthias Brack (Regensburg)
SU(2) Symmetry Breaking in Some Hamiltonian Systems
I will discuss perturbative and uniform trace formulae for the semiclassical description of Henon-Heiles and related potentials in which the SU(2) symmetry of the underlying harmonic oscillator is broken and requires extensions of the standard Gutzwiller approach.
Stephen Creagh (Nottingham)
Dynamics in Wavefunction Statistics and Tunnelling
Statistical models based on random matrix theory provide a natural means of characterising the lifetimes of complex systems. The dissociation by tunnelling of molecules with chaotic dynamics and the transmission properties of quantum dots are particular examples. We show that the internal dynamics of such systems can, through the mechanism of scarring, lead to strong modifications of the normal random-matrix-theory statistics. We provide an explicit quantitative prediction of such deviations following the approach recently developed by Kaplan, Heller and coworkers. These predictions are tested successfully on two-dimensional potentials.
Paul Dando (UCL)
Closed Orbit Theory for Molecules in Fields
Semiclassical closed-orbit theory was developed initially as a qualitative and quantitative tool to interpret the dynamics of excited hydrogen atoms in static external fields: large-scale structures in the photo-absorption spectrum were explained in terms of classical orbits that close at the nucleus. Recently, we have extended the closed-orbit formalism to allow for a semiclassical treatment of Rydberg molecules in a strong magnetic field. An outline of our theoretical approach will be given and comparisons of our semiclassical calculations using this formalism with fully quantum mechanical calculations of the photo-absorption spectrum of a model Rydberg molecule in a static magnetic field will be presented. The connection between classical orbits and the various features observed in the quantum spectrum will be explained and their physical interpretation discussed.
John Delos (William and Mary)
(1) Semiclassical Physics from Aristotle to Schroedinger
John Delos (William and Mary)
(2) Classical Orbits and Quantum Spectra of Atoms in Fields
Bertrand Georgeot (Toulouse)
Quantum Computing: Many-Body Effects and Simulation of Chaos
Quantum computers hold great promises, since the massive parallelism due to the superposition principle of quantum mechanics may enormously increase the speed of a computational process. Still, they are prone to errors and in particular the presence of residual imperfections and disorder will be discussed. They lead to many-body effects that may hamper the computation, but still leave a reasonable parameter window for operability of the computer. Methods for the efficient simulation of classical and quantum chaotic systems on such a quantum processor will be also presented.
Toshihiro Iwai (Kyoto)
Boundary Conditions at Singular Configurations of Many Bodies
The center-of-mass system of many bodies admits a natural action of the rotation group SO(3). Singular configurations in the title of this talk means those configurations at which the rotation group SO(3) acting on the center-of-mass system has non-trivial isotropy subgroups. Practically, the singular configurations under consideration are collinear configurations and a multiple collision. If singular configurations are gotton rid of in the center-of-mass system, the restricted center-of-mass system is made into an SO(3) bundle, and the bundle picture works well in the study of quantum mechanics of many bodies. For example, reducing the rotational degrees of freedom is well performed in this picture. However, if one wants to take singular configurations into account, the bundle picture fails to work. We need another reduction method.

The Peter-Weyl theorem on the unitary irreducible representations of compact Lie groups provides a method for reducing quantum systems with symmetry described by a compact Lie group. Since the Peter-Weyl method works irrespectively of whether the Lie group acts freely on a manifold in question (i.e. isotropy subgroups are trivial everywhere) or not, one can use the method for reducing the quantum system. One can also apply the method to impose suitable boundary conditions for wave functions at singular configurations. In particular, three-body systems will be considered to obtain boundary conditions for wave functions at collinear configurations and at a triple collision.

Charles Jaffe (West Virginia)
Transition States: Molecular, Atomic and Celestial
The current definitions of the transition states will be reviewed. Examples from molecular physics, atomic physics and celestial mechanics illustrating the limitations of these definitions will be presented. Solutions for these difficulties will be proposed.
Patricio Leboeuf (Orsay)
Thermodynamics of Small Fermi Systems: Quantum Fluctuations
We investigate the probability distribution of the quantum fluctuations of thermodynamic functions of finite, ballistic, phase--coherent Fermi gases. Depending on the chaotic or integrable nature of the underlying classical dynamics, on the thermodynamic function considered, and on temperature, we find that the probability distributions are dominated either (i) by the local fluctuations of the single--particle spectrum on the scale of the mean level spacing, or (ii) by the long--range modulations of that spectrum produced by the short periodic orbits. In case (i) the probability distributions are computed using the appropriate local universality class, uncorrelated levels for integrable systems and random matrix theory for chaotic ones. In case (ii) all the moments of the distributions can be explicitly computed in terms of periodic orbit theory, and are system--dependent, non--universal functions. The dependence with temperature and with the number of particles of the fluctuations is explicitly computed in all cases, and the different relevant energy scales are displayed.
Igor Kozin (Aberdeen)
Relative Equilibria and Periodic Orbits in Molecules
Using several examples we show how relative equilibria and periodic orbits can be used to interpret and predict features of quantum spectra of molecules.
Robert Littlejohn (Berkeley)
Gauge Theory of Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules
Robert Mackay (Warwick)
Persistence of Spectral Projections for Large Networks of Quantum Units, and Quantum Discrete Breathers
Many experiments on molecular crystals suggest they can support spatially localised excitations. Although approximate theory for these was developed over 30 years ago, I am not aware of a rigorous explanation. I propose to to explain them by proving persistence of spectral projections for appropriate classes of system uniformly in system size. Although I have not yet filled in a few details, I think the strategy of proof is good.
Jorg Main (Stuttgart)
Use of Harmonic Inversion Techniques in Semiclassical Quantization
Harmonic inversion is introduced as a powerful tool for semiclassical quantization, which solves the fundamental convergence problems in periodic orbit and closed orbit theory. The advantage of semiclassical quantization by harmonic inversion is the universality and wide applicability of the method to open and bound systems with underlying regular, chaotic, and even mixed classical dynamics. The method also allows the semiclassical calculation of diagonal matrix elements and, e.g. for atoms in external fields, individual non-diagonal transition strengths. We report the latest state of the art of the technique including recent extensions to consider uniform approximations and the optimization of the efficiency by, e.g. using a functional equation.
Kevin Mitchell (William and Mary)
Chaotic Ionization of Hydrogen in Parallel Fields
Classical ionization of an excited hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields is a useful and experimentally accessible model of chaotic decay and scattering. The dynamics can be reduced to an area-preserving chaotic map of the phase plane. Decay is studied by examining segments of a line of initial conditions that ionize at various iterates of the map. We observe sequences of segments which escape at successive iterates of the map. These sequences, called ``epistrophes'', decay geometrically at large iterate number but have unpredictable initial behavior. The epistrophes impart a fractal structure to the plot of ionization time, but their unpredictable beginnings break any true asymptotic self-similarity, leaving a weaker ``epistrophic self-similarity.'' The existence and characterization of epistrophes follow from a general geometric analysis of homoclinic tangles. Consequently, our results apply to a large class of chaotic maps.
San Vu Ngoc (Grenoble)
Redistribution of Eigenvalues in Polyads via Quantum Monodromy
We consider a 2 degrees of freedom semiclassical integrable system depending on an exernal parameter. If no monodromy is present there is a well-defined notion of "polyads", ie. clusters of eigenvalues. The appearance of monodromy due to a generic hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation has the effect of redistributing the eigenvalues between these polyads, as already remarked by Zhilinskii and Sadowskii. We show how to describe this redistribution in terms of the monodromy index, using Duistermaat-Heckman theory and the geometry of moment polytopes.
Igor Pavlichenkov (Moscow)
Quantum Phase Transitions in Rotational Bands
Phase transitions that occur at zero temperature when non-thermal parameter is changed are called quantum phase transitions (QPT). The talk is devoted to QPT in finite (mesoscopic) systems and their manifestation in rotational spectra. The quantum fluctuations which drive these transitions and the concept of a broken symmetry are a guideline for the discussion. I begin with a general introduction to QPT and their connection with bifurcations. This is done in the context of the bifurcation in rotational spectra of symmetric three-atom molecules XY$_2$. Subsequently, I consider a more complicated problem of the superfluid-to-normal phase transition in the rotational bands of superdeformed atomic nuclei. Numerous examples of critical phenomena in rotational bands show an intimate connection between internal and rotational motion and lead to a general theorem: {\it A change in the internal structure of a quantum system manifests itself in the modification of its rotational spectrum.} Finally, I briefly discuss the ensemble of magnetically trapped Fermi atoms. This ultracold degenerate gas of weakly interacting fermions is an ideal system for quantitative study of QPT because full control over the trapped potential and the interaction is available.
Jonathan Robbins (Bristol)
Spin-Statistics and Quantum Mechanics
An account is given of the spin-statistics relation in quantum mechanics, related to but distinct from earlier work (Berry and Robbins, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 453, 1771 - 1790 (1997)). Following previous authors, quantum mechanics for identical particles with spin is formulated in terms of a Hilbert space of sections of vector bundles over a configuration space of (unordered) points in R^3. The statistics are determined by the holonomies of the bundles. We introduce a class of bundles whose characteristic properties are motivated by physical considerations as well as those of mathematical simplicity. With a recent result of Atiyah it is shown that these bundles exists, and that they necessarily engender the correct relation between spin and statistics.
Jan-Michael Rost (Dresden)
Dimensional Effects in Few-Electron Quantum Dots
While the dynamics for three-dimensional axially symmetric two-electron quantum dots with parabolic confinement potentials is in general non-separable we have found an exact separability with three quantum numbers for specific values of the magnetic field. Furthermore, it is shown that the magnetic properties such as the magnetic moment and the susceptibility are sensitive to the presence and strength of a vertical confinement. Using a semiclassical approach the calculation of the eigenvalues reduces to simple quadratures providing a transparent and almost analytical quantization of the quantum dot energy levels which differ from the exact energies only by a few percent.
Howard Taylor (USC, Los Angeles)
A Simple Scheme for Extracting Internal Motions from Spectroscopic Hamiltonians
The problem addressed is to determine the internal vibrational motions that when quantized yield the vibrational bound and resonant states of a molecule. In particular we consider systems with two or more vibrational resonances due to frequencies in rational ratio, where motions at variance with simple normal or local modes exist. We restrict ourselves to problems where a spectroscopic normal form Hamiltonians (Heff) can be obtained either from fits to experimental lines, or with the use of a PES, to calculated eigenvalues. The application of canonical perturbation theory to a system with a known PES can also supply such an Heff. Presently we also require that the number of degrees of freedom minus the number of constants of motion, one being the polyad quantum number (P) that will exist when resonances are present, is no greater than three. We treat the non-trivial cases where more than one resonance exists and hence chaos can occur and where the reduced phase space, obtained by canonical transform using constants of motion, corresponds to two or three degrees of freedom. We further limit ourselves to the challenging cases where the dynamics is not susceptible to any simple adiabatic or other separation scheme and where wave functions and trajectories in the full dimension are too complex to be interpreted by any graphical representations.

In such cases it will be demonstrated that most if not all of the dynamics can be uncovered and that dynamic quantum numbers representing quasiconserved quantities can be assigned given only the already existing eigenfunction-basis transformation matrix used in fitting the Heff to the experimentally or theoretically generated spectrum. The method in conception depends on the ability previously gained(1), in studying problems where nonlinear dynamics was used to find the motions underlying the simple patterns seen in plots of the density and the phases of semiclassical eigenfunctions created from the information in the transformation matrix calculated in the above "fit". These eigenfunctions are parametric in the constants of the motion (the polyad number P in particular) and lie for DCO on a 2D toroidal configuration space described by two angle variables. Since the features of these 2D wave functions are generally simple to recognize once one is comfortable working in this unusual space; just viewing the patterns allows the sorting of the interleaved states of different dynamics into suits (like a deck of cards) each based on different dynamics. Then nodal counts and/or phase advances (since we are in a space for angles) allows sequential quantum number assignment. The contours of the 2D angle space wave function density and phases can be used for each suite to infer the type of classical internal motion that the atoms are undergoing in normal mode, local mode or displacement coordinate space. These motions are those that when quantized gives rise to the levels in the suit. A discussion, as to why wave functions represented in compact angle (of action-angle) spaces as opposed to the usual open coordinate spaces are so much simpler to interpret is given.

The assignments and dynamics of DCO are presented(4). Because of a strong 1:1:2 resonance assignment and interpretation alluded previous workers who computed eigenfunctions from both a high quality potential surface(2) and from a spectroscopic Hamiltonian(3). Again we stress no serious computation was needed to extract dynamics and to assign once the Heff was available. Graphical representations of the phase and densities of eigenfunctions in reduced configuration (angle) space, the principles of nonlinear dynamic and semiclassical ideas on how wave functions accumulate about phase space organizing structure are the keys to the analysis.

1. (a) M.P. Jacobson, C. Jung, H.S. Taylor and R.W. Field, J. Chem. Phys., 111, 600 (1999). (b) C. Jung, H.S. Taylor and M. Jacobson, J. Phys. Chem. A., 105, 681 (2001).
2. H.-M. Keller, H. Floethmann, A. J. Dobbyn, R. Schinke, H.-J. Werner, C. Bauer and P. Rosmus, J.Chem. Phys. 105, 4983 (1996).
3. A. Troellsch and F. Temps, Zeitschreft for Physikalische Chemie, 215, 207 (2000).
4. E.Atligan, C. Jung and H.S. Taylor, J. Phys. Chem. (2002) in press.

Turgay Uzer (Georgia Tech)
Phase Space Transition States
Dynamical systems theory is used to construct a phase-space version of Transition State Theory. Special multidimensional separatrices are found which act as impenetrable barriers in phase space between trajectories that which lead to reactions and those which do not. The elusive momentum-dependent transition state between reactants and products is thereby characterized using a practical algorithm.
Holger Waalkens (Bremen)
Quantum Monodromy in the Two Centers Problem
The motion of a particle subject to the attraction of two space fixed Newtonian centers belongs to the class of well studied integrable systems. The corresponding quantum system is of particular interest in molecular physics because it represents the model of a diatom with a single electron in Born-Oppenheimer approximation. In this talk the bifurcation diagram of bound motion of the three degrees of freedom system will be discussed. It will be shown that the bifurcation diagram divides the three dimensional space of the constants of motion into two regions of regular values of which one region lies inside of the other wherefore the other region is not simply connected. In addition to that, the latter region is pierced by an isolated line of the bifurcation diagram. It arises a complicated case of monodromy with two sources. In particular, the former source of monodromy bases on a subset of the bifurcation diagram which is of codimension 1 in the space of the constants of motion. This case has not been studied before. The monodromy will be quantitatively described in terms of 3x3 monodromy matrices calculated from smoothly fitting together classical actions whose local existence is guaranteed by the Liouville-Arnold theorem. The implication on the quantum system will be discussed in terms of the numerically computed quantum spectrum.
Boris Zhilinskii (Dunkerque)
Hamiltonian Monodromy as a Lattice Defect
Monodromy in classical and quantum Hamiltonian systems is analysed from the point of view of defects of crystal lattices. Simple geometrical construction of different local defects will be given and applied to the characterization of monodromies.