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Geometry of Moduli Spaces

Japan-Britain Joint Research Project 2000 at Warwick - sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Monday 17th July - Saturday 12th August 2000

Organisers: Miles Reid
Iku Nakamura

Please email us if you are interested in participating.


The Japan-UK joint project follows the Sep 1999 Warwick EPSRC workshop "Modular invariants, operator algebras and quotient singularities", see It aims for a deeper understanding of the following topics, which are at the centre of much recent research:
Hilbert schemes of surfaces, G-Hilbert schemes and related spaces for higher dimensional orbifolds, ADE correspondences, subgroups of SL(2) and SL(3) and McKay correspondence, derived categories of moduli spaces, representation of infinite dimensional Lie algebras, modular invariance and analogous approaches in operator algebras (subfactors).

The project involves a number of senior mathematicians from Japan and the UK, including Kawahigashi, Mukai, Nakajima, Nakamura, Kyoji Saito, and Bridgeland, Evans, Grojnowski, Gross, King and Reid. A follow up conference is planned at Kyoto Univ,. RIMS Mon 27th Nov- Sat 2nd Dec 2000, involving many of the same participants. For details, see

Most of the lectures will take place during the final two weeks, Monday 31st July - Friday 11th August 2000.

Probable participants Arrival and Departure
Tom Bridgeland (Edinburgh) July 24 - Aug 7
Jungkai Alfred Chen (Taiwan) July 26-Aug.12
Alastair Craw (Warwick) July 17-Aug 22
William Crawley-Boevey (Leeds) July 24 - Aug 4
David E Evans (Cardiff) Aug 1-31
Yasushi Gomi (Sophia) July 16-Aug.14
Ian Grojnowski (Cambridge) July 24 - Aug 7
Mark Gross (Warwick) July 17-Aug 4
Martin Gulbrandsen (Oslo) Jul 26 to Aug 12
Fumio Hidaka (Senshuu)
Akira Ishii (Kyoto) July 19-Aug.14
Yukari Ito (Tokyo Metro.) July 23-Aug.11
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (Tokyo) July 19-Aug.13
Rie Kidoh (Hokkaido) July 16-Aug.14
Alastair King (Bath) July 24 - Aug 12
Kazuhisa Maehara (Tokyo Inst. Poly.)
John McKay (Concordia) A few days
Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya) Aug.1-Aug.13
Hiraku Nakajima (Kyoto) July 23-Aug.11
Iku Nakamura (Hokkaido) will not attend
Miles Reid (Warwick) Always
Kyoji Saito (Kyoto RIMS) July 16-Aug.14
Greg Sankaran (Bath) Several visits of 2--3 days
Ken-ichi Shinoda (Sophia) July 16-Aug.22
Atsushi Takahashi (Kyoto RIMS) July 16-Aug.14
Tadashi Tomaru July 16- Aug.10
Richard Thomas (Imperial) Several visits
Burt Totaro (Cambridge) At least a few days in Aug

Links to other events: The 1999-2000 EPSRC Warwick geometry and topology symposium will hold its concluding conferences 10th-21st Jul 2000; the International Congress of Physics takes place 17-22nd Jul 2000 at Imperial College, London, see and there are also two Warwick workshops on loop spaces and quantisation in the week Mon 24th- Fri 28th Jul, see

For further information contact:
Peta McAllister - MRC Business Manager
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