Complex Dynamics and Ergodic Theory

three days workshop 19/01/01-21/01/01


 Program of talks



FRIDAY, 19/1



9:00-10:00 Registration

10:00-11:00 J. Aaronson

"Sums without Maxima"

(joint work with H. Nakada)

11:15-12:15 A. Avila

"Statistical properties of unimodal maps"

(joint work with C.G. Moreira)

12:15-13:30 Lunch (Refectory)

13:30-14:30 O. Jenkinson

"Cohomology classes for dynamically non-negative functions"

(joint work with T. Bousch)

14:45-15:45 V. Baladi

"Floquet spectrum of weakly coupled analytic maps"

(joint work with H.H. Rugh)

16:00-17:00 S. Levin

"Ecosystems and Biosphere as complex adaptive systems: from Microscopic to Macroscopic" (Colloquium)






9:30-10:00 Coffee

10:00-11:00 M. Zinsmeister

"Continuity with respect to the phase of Hausdorff Dimension of Julia-Lavaurs sets "

11:15-12:15 M. Mori

"Low discrepancy sequences generated by piecewise linear transformations"

12:15-13:30 Lunch (Common Room)

13:30-14:30 X. Bressaud

"Expanding interval maps with intermittent-like behaviour, physical measures and scales of time"

14:45-15:45 Z. Coelho

"The loss of tightness of time distributions for rotations"

15:45-16:15 Tea Break

16:15-17:15 D. Sands

(joint work with J. Graczyk & G. Swiatek )

"Metric attractors for smooth unimodal maps"



SUNDAY, 21/1



9:30-10:00 Coffee

10:00-11:00 N. Anantharaman

"Counting geodesics optimal in homology"

11:15-12:15 R. Sharp

"A Local limit theorem for closed geodesics and homology"

12:15-13:30 Lunch (Common Room)

13:30-14:30 M. Kesselboehmer

"Poisson limit laws for the Gauss map"

14:45-15:45 A. Cheritat

"Virtual Siegel discs"

15:45-16:15 Tea Break

16:15-17:15 S. Ferenczi

"Structure of three-interval exchange transformations"

(joint work with C. Holton and L. Zamboni)


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