David Mond

Address: Mathematics Institute, University Of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK

Telephone: +44 024 7652 3570 Fax: +44 024 7652 4182 e-mail: d.m.q.mond at symbol warwick.ac.uk

Timetable Autumn 2019     Links

Climate change   Maths at Work    Algebraic Topology

Lectures and notes on Singularity Theory
Teaching     Elementary Mathematics

Outreach     UCU Rep business


Staff Development and Maths Ed

Maths/Stats PCAPP

Are we maintaining standards? (Report on a June 23rd 2009 discussion)

Maths vs Maths Ed?

Polemical Guide to running departmentally-based training for new staff (comments invited)

A Tutor's A-Z

Non-academic issues

The future of English Universities
Climate change

Israel and Palestine

Interesting document on Compound interest and Third World debt (and Spanish original)

Bad Science

Compare BBC report on the risks of marriage to first cousins with

religious justification for the practice;

Proofs from the book