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The story of the little white car
and a mathematician called David

Once upon a time there was a little white car (a Fiat 750) who’s owner was called David. The little white car was carrying David to his place of work on a bright and sunny morning and feeling happy and contented with its life.

David had one problem, things just seem to happen to him which he could not explain. (Could this have anything to do with him being a mathematician/historian?) Which is why when he arrived at work there was this unusual conversation.

David: “Do I have any bits missing?”, he asks while holding his arms out and turning around.
Elaine: “No, I can’t see any gaps, why?”
David: “The car rolled over into a ditch!”
Elaine: “What happened?”
David: “I don’t know, the car skidded, rolled over, and went into the ditch.”
Elaine: “Are you hurting anywhere?”
David: “No. I have to get some help to get the car out of the ditch.”

David went off to give a lecture and recruit some people to help him get the little white car back on the road.

With lots of help the little white car was pulled out of the ditch and rolled back onto its wheels. With a few dents and scratches fixed it was back on the road and everyone lived happily ever after.

Elaine Greaves Coelho

P.S. Since I wrote the original of this I have heard more of the recovery of the little white car from the ditch. Apparently, David asked Peter Walters if he would give him a lift to his car which had broken down on the way to the Institute. It was only when they arrived at the car that Peter found out he was also required to help David get the car out of the ditch and back onto it wheels. Also the little white car did make it back to Warwick but then went to the great scrapyard in the sky.

Mathematics Institute
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK

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