First workshop of the Warwick Dynamics Symposium 2002-2003 (December 9th-13rd)

The main theme of the December workshop is the interface between real and complex dynamics.

Programme with Abstracts (Up to date as of 6th of December 4.30pm.)

Registered Particpants (Up to date as of 5th of December.)

One dimensional dynamics is a very active research area worldwide. The recent developments in these fields show that a combination of real and complex tools and methods might be very successful. The original proofs of exponential decay of geometry is mostly complex, but these results can be extended to the unimodal case. On the other hand, many notions and ideas of complex dynamics (like renormalization, Collet-Eckmann condition, summability condition, etc) are coming from real dynamics. There are many other examples of this kind when achievement in one branch of 1D dynamics immediately lead to success in the other one. We intend to bring together people working in both real and complex theories and organize an intensive interchange of new results and techniques between them.

A few of the topics which will come up during the meeting are:

  • Density of Axiom A maps. The structural stability problem was and remains one of the central problems in the theory of Dynamical systems. The case of real quadratic (and more generally unimodal) maps is done (by Graczyk, Kozlovski, Lyubich, Sullivan, Swiatek, Thurston, Yoccoz. However only partial results are known for multimodal maps. For complex polynomials the same question is wide open and the main result here remains the Yoccoz theorem for finitely renormalizable quadratic maps.

  • Absence of invariant line field and measure of the Julia set. This topic is connected to the previous one. Indeed, Mañè, Sad and Sullivan in their famous paper have shown that if a complex polynomial is not Axiom A and cannot be perturbed by a small perturbation to an Axiom A map, then such a polynomial admits a measurable invariant line field of its Julia set (in particular, the Julia set of such a polynomial has measure zero). So, to prove the density of Axiom A for complex polynomials (or rational maps) one has at least to prove the absence of invariant line fields. For real polynomials this was done by Levin and van Strien for real unicritical polynomials and recently by Shen (who is presently at Warwick) for arbitrary real polynomials. Unfortunately these results do not yet give much information for perturbation of real non-unimodal polynomials.

  • SRB measures. The recent work of Lyubich, Avila and de Melo, for families of unimodal maps with a quadratic critical point. These results heavily use specific properties of quadratic maps, so generalizations for multimodal families and unimodal families of maps having a degenerate critical point are certainly not straightforward. Some other results in this direction are obtained by Smirnov, Graczyk and Swiatek for complex quadratic polynomials.

  • Henon maps. During this session a few experts will discuss aspects of Benedicks and Carleson's paper about the strange attractors in Henon maps.

    This meeting will be organized by Oleg Kozlovski, Weixiao Shen and Sebastian van Strien.